Open Chabot Game Lab
❤ Open Learning by Chabot Game Lab brings together game design resources and curriculum for a collaborative approach to STEAM and game design.
Chabot Open Game Lab Resources
PICO-8 Tutorials
Github - Create your own Flappy Bird -
(For Reference Only) Presentation Slides - Create Flappy Bird in PICO-8
Game Design Workshops - Middle/High School
✨ Game Design Topics
Topics - Introduction to Game Development
User Experience and User Interface: UX/UI Design Fundamentals + Video Game Storytelling + Character Design + 2D Sprite Art + World Design
Programming Fundamentals, Pseudocode + Working with Functions, while loops, data types
Sound Production and Video Game Music
Usability Testing
Lesson 1: Intro to Game Development, User Experience, Pair Programming
Lab Intro to Game Development, User Experience, and Flappy Bird
Mission #0 - Create Flappy Bird in PICO-8
Mission #0.5 - Make a Tabletop (Board/Card) Game
Lesson 2: GB Studio Intro + Video Game Storytelling + Character Design + 2D Sprite Art + World Design
Lab User Experience & Prototyping
Demo: Wiki #1-2 basics with dialogue and importing a map
Mission #1 Worldbuilding
Mission #2 Make a Storyboard
Figma Storyboard Template
Lesson 3: Sound Production and Video Game Music + Programming
Demo: Wiki #3, 4 Make a cat-collecting quest
Mission #4 Write Code on Paper!?
Mission #5 Move a Squirrel
GB Studio Cheatsheet
Github - GB Studio Assets
Lesson 4: Usability Testing
Lab Programming
Demo: Wiki #7 & Platformer demo
Mission #5.5: Conduct a Usability Test
Lab Platformer Demo
Lesson 5: Video Game Hardware & GB Studio
Lab Intro to Video Game Hardware
Mission #6: Microcontrollers: Make Magic 8-Ball and a Hot-potato Duck Game
Lesson 6: Music & Final Project Showcase
Lab Series Finale
Wiki Start a game lab at your school
Final Mission: Final Project